Principal Message

It is my pleasure to greet you all to our institution. Nursing is unique professional body in the health care delivery system and nurses play a core component in the health care team. Success starts with a thought or an idea when nourished with hope and confidence, that idea sprouts, blossoms and leads to action with knowledge. The Vivekanand College of nursing achieved recognition as one of the top colleges of nursing in odisha. We offer a 4 year B.Sc Nursing Degree course, 2 year P.B.B.Sc Nursing & 2 year DMRT Programme. A commitment to excellence in teaching, Research service and Leadership is the essence of our programme. The VCN has become epitome of Excellence in rendering quality nursing education through progressive outlook, Energizing thoughts, optimistic motivation and rich rootage in moral and ethical values.
Our faculty continues to grow in stature by contributing to practice based research and innovative methods of teaching. Nursing is at cross roads with unlimited opportunities in the hospitals, communities, research and health development programmes with society’s increased recognition of nurse’s contribution to improved health care. We are in a position to demonstrate our professional leadership.
I am sure that our institution will pave a strong foundation for nurses, as we have a system of education and administration with highly experienced and well qualified teaching fraternity.