Clinical Facility

As a part of the B.Sc (N) & P.B.BSc Nursing curriculum, students are posted to various hospitals for their basic and specialized clinical experience. Our college has a multi specialty parent hospital with modernized, highly equipped and highly professionalized clinical team. Student’s clinical experience is met in the parent hospital. Vivekanand Multi specialty hospital as parent hospital. Besides this the colleges have tie-up facilities with the Capital Hospital for clinical trainings.
Clinical staffs act as mentors by closely monitoring the student along with nursing faculty. Consultant doctors, Intensivist, nursing supervisors also take part in imparting clinical knowledge and necessary skill to our students. The extensive setup of VCN facilities our students to correlate and integrate both class room learning and clinical learning. Clinical training at VCN is one of the best cherishing experience to the students and they will be ready to take up the role as a nurse successfully after completing the course.